The Matte Varnish I settled on after some online research is.... Vallejo Polyurethane Satin Varnish and so far it's been great. I've only brushed it on but will try it through the airbrush later this week.
With the Riptide set to the side this past week, I was able to turn my attention (when not studying) to some of the Heresy MK III armor that I've had sitting around untouched for months. I've been dreaming of making a Raptors Legion/Chapter ever since I first read about them in Imperial Armour Three: Taros Campaign. They are a successor chapter of the Raven Guard.
See more about the Raptors Legion/Chapter at the Lexicanum
Also, If anyone has any Forge World Raptors items, Decals, Rhino doors, LR doors etc and you're willing to part with them.... please let me know. I can do $ and or trade depending on what you're after.
As always, CC is welcome and appreciated and thanks for looking!
All airbrush so far and before a Nuln Oil wash.
After the Nuln Oil wash was applied in certain places.
Stormtalon WIP. All Airbrush so far.
Jetbikes kick ass!
Contemptor WIP.
He'll be striding through a puddle and up onto the broken up tiled part.